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wannsee, theresienstadt, roma, sinti, night of the broken glass, extermination camps, nazi´s, hitler, jews, diaspora, jewish council, judenrat, transportation,
birkenau, ghetto, hans vanderwerff, sion soeters, aktion reinhard, terezin, himmler, david irving, holocaust denial, holocaust lest we forget, jews, synagogue,
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Camp Ommen came into being when Bereitsschaftführer Werner Schwier, director of Referat Internationale Organisationen - Report on International Organizations, also was appointed to the position of Camp Commandant of Ommen. The purpose of the Referat - Report was to liquidate property of organizations considered hostile to or unwanted by the Reich - Empire. However, Schwier saw potential in keeping a campground, which had belonged to a religious cult, for the purpose of transforming it into a concentration camp. Before the outbreak of the war the campground had been used by followers of the cult leader Jiddu Krishnamurti. The cult held meetings annually; the last meeting held took place in August of 1939. The place of the meeting was a camp near Ommen called Sterkamp - Star camp
Following initiation the prisoners were assigned to work details. Sixty men were housed in each barrack and instead of sleeping in beds prisoners slept in hammocks, three high. Bedding and clothing were inadequate. Food was insufficient. Work had to be carried out in high tempo. Each alleged trespass was punished severely. Prisoners were ill-treated continually. Each guard had his own method of inflicting pain or otherwise making life miserable for the prisoners. They wanted to make certain that forced-labor dodgers and black marketers would learn their lesson. One of the more notorious Dutch SS guards was Herbertus Bikker. After the war he escaped justice by fleeing into Germany where he obtained German citizenship. I would like to make a correction to my report on Ommen.
Not only forced-labor dodgers and black marketers were incarcerated in this heinous camp. Although initially it appeared as though that was the only purpose for the existance of the camp, later in time also some Jews and several captured men belonging to the resistance movement as well as individuals who had broken one or another Nazi law experienced the fierce treatment of the brutal Dutch SS guards.
Werner Schwier was arrested after the war and transferred to an internment camp near Brussels. He escaped and fled to Germany. He never went on trial in the Netherlands. Karel Diepgrond was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment on 13 May 1949. He was pardoned and set free in 1957 after having served only eight years of his sentence. J. de Jong was shot and killed in 1945 a few weeks after he fled from camp Westerbork where he had been incarcerated since the end of the war. Driehuis received the death sentence on 3 June 1946 which was carried out in 1947. |