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wannsee, theresienstadt, roma, sinti, night of the broken glass, extermination camps, nazi´s, hitler, jews, diaspora, jewish council, judenrat, transportation,
birkenau, ghetto, hans vanderwerff, sion soeters, aktion reinhard, terezin, himmler, david irving, holocaust denial, holocaust lest we forget, jews, synagogue,
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After the war my wife and I returned to the Netherlands and visited what is left of Transit camp Westerbork. Iwan and Jettie were incarcerated in this camp until one day one of the death trains took them to Birkenau also. Today the former transit camp serves as a memorial, a permanent reminder of the ninety three trains that left Westerbork for two of the several extermination sites located in Poland, Birkenau and Sobibor. Jettie and her brother Leo were deported together with their parents. They left on one of the earlier transports for Birkenau. The date was 5 October 1942. Mrs. Fischler and her children died in Birkenau. For them the date of death entered into the camp journal is 8 October 1942. Mr. Fischler must have died en route in the cattle car because his date of death is listed as 6 October 1942. Between 15 July 1942 and 3 September 1944 a total of sixty five trains left for Auschwitz II, Birkenau. An additional nineteen cattle car trains left for Sobibor, yet another extermination camp in Poland. Jewish inmates on the remaining trains were shipped to Theresienstadt and Bergen-Belsen respectively.
No less than 104,000 Dutch Jews passed through transit camp Westerbork. Only 854 deportees sur- vived the ordeal of Auschwitz/Birkenau. I received documentation that Iwan and his younger brother Maurits (Mauni) were deported together with their mother Jo. Records discovered after the war indicate that all three perished on 23 September 1943. Their deportation train number for Birkenau was # 55. Father Machiel (Mau) had been deported earlier, perhaps on train # 50. He perished on 28 February 1943 as camp records indicate. Iwan's older brother Jonas (Jonny) is listed as missing. Meticulously kept records were the pride and joy of camp commandant Gemmeker and his efficient staff. These records included the number of transports, the number of victims on each transport, and their ultimate destination. Also the camp population was recorded for any given date. People were listed by family name, by first name, by domicile, by date of birth, by occupation, and by date of departure. Finally also by the date of death following arrival at either Birkenau or Sobibor, or another place of evil for that matter. According to official camp records none of the van Oosten family nor any of the Fischlers survived. Amongst the millions was her place. Our daughter Mirjam, an accomplished musician, singer and composer, put these words to music. Mirjam recorded the song on her third album, which is entitled: "Take Heart." Emotionally it still effects me, even to this day, when I think of the six million who are no more and all those who could have been yet are not.