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wannsee, theresienstadt, roma, sinti, night of the broken glass, extermination camps, nazi´s, hitler, jews, diaspora, jewish council, judenrat, transportation,
birkenau, ghetto, hans vanderwerff, sion soeters, aktion reinhard, terezin, himmler, david irving, holocaust denial, holocaust lest we forget, jews, synagogue,
oswald pohl, siegfried seidl, protectorate, bohemia, moravia, murmelstein, karl rahm, anton burger, karl hermann frank,


Camp Westerbork - Registering for a job

Commemorating the Jewish victims of Juden Durchgangslager Westerbork

       Well-dressed Dutch Jews registering for work while still living in Amsterdam prior to being shipped out to Westerbork. It was important to the Nazis to leave the unsuspecting victims with the impression that work would somehow postpone or even delay deportation to the East. Nothing was farther from the truth. No matter how important work appeared to be. When the weekly deportation list for Auschwitz or Sobibor had to be made up, the demanded required quota would always be met.

- Service Leaders Kurt Schlesinger, dr. H. Ottenstein and dr. Fritz Spanier would see to that. Whether one had secured a job or not, whether one worked or did not work, whether one was healthy or sick, young or mature, infant or senior, male or female, essential or non-essential, religious or not religious, nothing mattered. As far as the Nazi machine was concerned only the appearance of normality mattered.

Unsuspecting victims 'register' for jobs