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wannsee, theresienstadt, roma, sinti, night of the broken glass, extermination camps, nazi´s, hitler, jews, diaspora, jewish council, judenrat, transportation,
birkenau, ghetto, hans vanderwerff, sion soeters, aktion reinhard, terezin, himmler, david irving, holocaust denial, holocaust lest we forget, jews, synagogue,
oswald pohl, siegfried seidl, protectorate, bohemia, moravia, murmelstein, karl rahm, anton burger, karl hermann frank,


Camp Westerbork - Metal workshop

Commemorating the Jewish victims of Juden Durchgangslager Westerbork

       Component parts and instruments removed from downed Allied aircraft were masterfully dismantled by a few chosen in the metal shop. It was also called the radio shop because in addition to sheet metal parts everything else attached to an aircraft, from motors to indicators, from radios to navigation equipment, passed through this shop. The logic was not how well parts could be salvaged or dismantled because nothing ever left Westerbork. Nazi logic was not how to salvage or reconstruct, but how to turn thoughts away from the inevitable death transports. How well they succeeded in doing this.

Work at the metal workshop