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wannsee, theresienstadt, roma, sinti, night of the broken glass, extermination camps, nazi´s, hitler, jews, diaspora, jewish council, judenrat, transportation,
birkenau, ghetto, hans vanderwerff, sion soeters, aktion reinhard, terezin, himmler, david irving, holocaust denial, holocaust lest we forget, jews, synagogue,
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For young and old the end always was the same. Deportation to the East was inevitable. Each box-car came equipped with one small waste barrel to be used by all. Without privacy, of course. No beds for the weary travellers, not even straw to sleep on during the two to three day ordeal. Travel time depended on whether the destination was Birkenau of Sobibor, and of course the availability of tracks. War effort had the right of way. Cattle fared much better. The condemned received no food nor was water made available to quench the thirst during the long gruelling journey. Only what the victims could carry with them was permitted on board. But how was one going to know what and how much was sufficient when neither destination nor duration of the trip was made known?
Whoever hesitated, faltered, or wavered, quickly received convincing help from the OD - Ordnungsdienst - camp police and from the SSers in the form of pushing, shoving, driving, or kicking. All this to ensure a quick embarkation. Don't forget, the train had to leave on schedule. Each Tuesday morning at eleven the departure whistle would sound, come rain or shine.