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wannsee, theresienstadt, roma, sinti, night of the broken glass, extermination camps, nazi´s, hitler, jews, diaspora, jewish council, judenrat, transportation,
birkenau, ghetto, hans vanderwerff, sion soeters, aktion reinhard, terezin, himmler, david irving, holocaust denial, holocaust lest we forget, jews, synagogue,
oswald pohl, siegfried seidl, protectorate, bohemia, moravia, murmelstein, karl rahm, anton burger, karl hermann frank,


The Holocaust: Lest We forget - Hans


        World War II has left an indelible mark with me. One of horrendous evil. It is difficult if not impossible to erase the memories of those war years. Occupation by the Nazis was a frightful time. I experience those years over and over. I can understand that some people would like to forget those years. And some do! But because I have gone through the horrors of WW II myself I find it difficult to accept that others delight in denying that the Holocaust actually took place. These people, like
David Irving, who did not live through Nazi oppression and extermination themselves, are recognized as deniers of the Holocaust. Of course, revisionists have been doing their utmost to cast doubt on the mass of evidence presented through courts of law. They make unbelievable light of the many eye-witness accounts. Such anti-Semitism, I prefer the word Jew-hatred, is inexcusable. That is the very reason why I sat down compiling these pages of historic evidence so that now, many years later, with the number of eye witnesses dwindling fast yet another record of the Holocaust, and what led up to it, is preserved for future generations to read.

       The sacred Scriptures stress zachor - remembrance. We are admonished to remember Amalek. That also holds true for the likes of Haman, Titus, Pilate, and Hitler and all those who have or who still are persecuting and murdering Jews. If for no other reason, the Holocaust should be taught, especially in our school systems, because we are called to be a people who remember. The events that make up the the total story of the Holocaust are so unbelievable in proportion that it will only be a few generations before an attempt is made to reconcile this monstrous event in the history books if we allow it. Historians and politicians have succeeded in doing so with previous horrendous calamities. Who remembers or talks about the inquisition which has tainted the history of the Christian Church or who has heard of the genocide of the Armenian people which took place around the turn of the century in Turkey?

       No matter how many books are written on the subject, no matter how many web-sites cover aspects of the Holocaust, no matter how often we go over the subject, conclusions about the Holocaust cannot easily be reached. It is my intention to expose as much as possible about this dark event giving facts and referring to resources used in my research. It is my hope and expectation that the conclusions you draw will activate your conscience regarding Israel and the Jewish people. Concerning their freedom and right to exist. But also regarding the well-being of the entire human race no matter where they are or who they are.

       Why is it so important to remember the Holocaust? How much do we know about that evil time in the history of enlightened man? I invite you to read the pages of this website which make an attempt to bring clarity and truth to the subject of the Holocaust, lest we forget! .......... Hans Vanderwerff